Dransfield Stocktakers & Valuers has over 30 Years stocktaking and stock control experience.
- Change of Ownership.
- Price Comparisons.
- Asset Tracking - RFID / UHF Gen 2 Applications.
- Independent Stock Evaluations.
- EPOS Variance Reports.
- Wet Stock takes - Full Period Trading Summaries - Same Day Results.
- Food Stock takes.
- Menu Costings.
- Jewellery RFID / UHF Gen 2 Stock Reconciliation Audit Systems.
- Mystery - Covert drinker reports.
- Wholesales and Retail Stock takes.
- Optimum Retail price guidance.
- Advice on suggested sensible stockholdings.
- Advice on stock control procedures.
- All stock counts recorded electronically.
- All results presented in MS Excel.
Our aim is to ensure you improve your profit margins. With a vast amount of various cost prices available from local suppliers, ensures we know the best prices available. With improving your
overall profit margins, will offset any charges incurred for our Independent Stock taking services.